
Monday, September 20, 2004

Emmy reaction

1) Yay! Arrested Development won.

2) I adore the fabulously talented Meryl Streep.

3) That Burger King commercial where a regular* guy wakes up in bed next to someone whom I can only assume is the eponymous king is disturbing on many levels, not the least of which is that the King has a ginormous plastic head (which was always above the regular human head of his subject -- thereby proving his royalty). Don't even get me started on the "double meat and cheese" references.

I'm all about the HoYay, y'all, but this was just damn scary.

*regular=young and white, you know, REGULAR!

Monday, September 13, 2004

Don't blame it on my heart

Blame it on my job. Surprisingly, I am apparently expected to work while I am at work. If it were up to me, I'd spend all eight of my employer's hours scouring the Internet and spouting my opinions for you, my dears. Sadly, 'tis not to be. It has been especially busy (and even more tedious) these last few weeks. And who suffers?

Me, of course. Oh, and you, too.

I did take a few days off to visit my family on the East Coast over the Labor Day weekend but more on that later. Here's something endlessly entertaining for your perusal in the meantime: Bonjour paresse. I love the French. And thank goodness for Arts & Letters Daily.

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