Tuesday, May 16, 2006
What I've been watching
Last night, Valley of the Dolls was on Oxygen and Victor/Victoria was on Logo. How on earth is a girl like I to choose between two such utterly lovely entertainments? I couldn't. Normally, the dolls would win hands down; but the commercials on Oxygen bug me so Dame Julie received more of my time than Neely O'Hara and company, this one time. The Amazing One - who totally adores Dame Julie Andrews because of 1) The Princess Diaries, 2) The Sound of Music and 3) Mary Poppins - wanted to know about the Victor/Victoria story (cut her some slack, she's only 11!) I gave her the usual, you know, it's the story of a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman. She said, "Oh, you mean like Connie and Carla?" She's only 11, people, how could she know how not like Connie and Carla Victor/Victoria is? You'll notice that she didn't have to ask about Valley of the Dolls. That's because she knows already. How many times have I said, "I WANT A DOLL" within earshot of her? She is 11, after all.
Speaking of what I've been watching, on Mother's Day, I watched The Bad Seed with The Amazing One. Yes, it is an excellent selection for Mother's Day viewing. She was so enthralled that she didn't even realize it was in black & white. She entertained us at dinner by repeating, " I want my shoes back, Leroy!" and "You give me my shoes back, Leroy!" at odd intervals and, needless to say, apropos of nothing.
Gawd, I love that child. Of course, the most perfect movie for Mother's Day viewing is Gypsy. I can't think of a better exemplar of motherly love than Mama Rose. "Sing out, Louise."

Oh, unless you want to go the long-suffering route of Miss Juanita Moore in Imitation of Life.
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