Friday, May 22, 2009
I love a secret baby story:
and here is Mrs. Parsons:
As MacDella says, "I'm sure you can draw your own conclusions."
and here is Mrs. Parsons:
As MacDella says, "I'm sure you can draw your own conclusions."
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Say Amen, Somebody
"I am tired of people not treating me like the gift that I am."
Paula Abdul
Hey, Paula
And really, who can say it more clearly and succinctly than Paula? The quote of the summer!
"I am tired of people not treating me like the gift that I am."
Paula Abdul
Hey, Paula
And really, who can say it more clearly and succinctly than Paula? The quote of the summer!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Where my dawgs at?
The NYT says that he's damaged but I love him still. Bless his crack-smokin' heart. Earl's powerful message: "It's Dark and Hell is Hot" has never been quite so apropos as it is now what with the Governator telling us to use only what light is absolutely necessary and to keep the thermostat at 78 degrees. IN THE SAN FERNANDO VALLEY. Y'all gon' make me lose my mind, indeed.
The NYT says that he's damaged but I love him still. Bless his crack-smokin' heart. Earl's powerful message: "It's Dark and Hell is Hot" has never been quite so apropos as it is now what with the Governator telling us to use only what light is absolutely necessary and to keep the thermostat at 78 degrees. IN THE SAN FERNANDO VALLEY. Y'all gon' make me lose my mind, indeed.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
What I've been watching
Last night, Valley of the Dolls was on Oxygen and Victor/Victoria was on Logo. How on earth is a girl like I to choose between two such utterly lovely entertainments? I couldn't. Normally, the dolls would win hands down; but the commercials on Oxygen bug me so Dame Julie received more of my time than Neely O'Hara and company, this one time. The Amazing One - who totally adores Dame Julie Andrews because of 1) The Princess Diaries, 2) The Sound of Music and 3) Mary Poppins - wanted to know about the Victor/Victoria story (cut her some slack, she's only 11!) I gave her the usual, you know, it's the story of a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman. She said, "Oh, you mean like Connie and Carla?" She's only 11, people, how could she know how not like Connie and Carla Victor/Victoria is? You'll notice that she didn't have to ask about Valley of the Dolls. That's because she knows already. How many times have I said, "I WANT A DOLL" within earshot of her? She is 11, after all.
Speaking of what I've been watching, on Mother's Day, I watched The Bad Seed with The Amazing One. Yes, it is an excellent selection for Mother's Day viewing. She was so enthralled that she didn't even realize it was in black & white. She entertained us at dinner by repeating, " I want my shoes back, Leroy!" and "You give me my shoes back, Leroy!" at odd intervals and, needless to say, apropos of nothing.
Gawd, I love that child. Of course, the most perfect movie for Mother's Day viewing is Gypsy. I can't think of a better exemplar of motherly love than Mama Rose. "Sing out, Louise."

Oh, unless you want to go the long-suffering route of Miss Juanita Moore in Imitation of Life.
Monday, March 06, 2006
How could I have forgotten?
The Color Purple. I can watch The Color Purple as many times as it runs on HBO. I think that I can accurately quantify the number of times that I have watched this film as fifty-leven. I can quote this film verbatim from start to finish. One of my favorite quotes is one that can be used in almost any situation. Let me provide some context: Celie asks Sophia how she's doing. Miss Sophia's answer? "Confused."
As you might be; given that I've provided no context for this post. Please see the questionnaire below for more information.
I'm so glad I didn't have to list four books that I can reread over and over.
The Color Purple. I can watch The Color Purple as many times as it runs on HBO. I think that I can accurately quantify the number of times that I have watched this film as fifty-leven. I can quote this film verbatim from start to finish. One of my favorite quotes is one that can be used in almost any situation. Let me provide some context: Celie asks Sophia how she's doing. Miss Sophia's answer? "Confused."
As you might be; given that I've provided no context for this post. Please see the questionnaire below for more information.
I'm so glad I didn't have to list four books that I can reread over and over.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Dang, Mama Blah Blah... you called me out. I'm gonna have to go all Layer Cake on your ass! Or maybe I'll just do the dang meme. It would serve you right. Okay, let's get this party started:
Four Jobs I've Had:
-Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips (yes, I am that old)
-U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services Junior Fellow
-Television network censor
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:
I can only list four, right? This is bad. I am an inveterate rewatcher (and re-reader for that matter). I'll do my best for youse.
-The Matrix (duh!)
-Strictly Ballroom
-Sin City (apparently, as I've watched it every single chance I can get since it's been in heavy rotation on Starz)
-Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban (for the Shrieking Shack scene, naturally. Plus, Alfonso Cuaron & J.K. Rowling & Alan Rickman? What's not to love?)
Four TV Shows I Love to Watch:
-America's Next Top Model
-Project Runway
-Knitty Gritty
Four Places I’ve Been on Vacation:
-San Francisco, CA
-Baja Mexico
-Napa Valley, CA
Four Favorite Dishes:
-My mother's lasagna
-Pan-fried noodles
-Garlic spinach from the Great Eastern Restaurant in San Francisco (and anything else from there)
-My TNT cookies
Four Websites I Visit Daily:
Go Fug Yourself
Arts & Letters Daily
Four Places I’d Rather Be:
-At home by myself on a rainy, chilly day with a huge pile of great books to be read and beautiful yarn to be knitted and/or crocheted
-With my mother, sisters, cousins and aunts
-On a cruise like the one Bette Davis takes in Now, Voyager and with her fabulous wardrobe
-On a tropical island with clear turquoise waters, white sandy beaches and excellent bar service
Four Bloggers I am Tagging :
Please. I don't know four bloggers that well.
OMG! Is that the point of this meme?
Dang, Mama Blah Blah... you called me out. I'm gonna have to go all Layer Cake on your ass! Or maybe I'll just do the dang meme. It would serve you right. Okay, let's get this party started:
Four Jobs I've Had:
-Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips (yes, I am that old)
-U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services Junior Fellow
-Television network censor
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:
I can only list four, right? This is bad. I am an inveterate rewatcher (and re-reader for that matter). I'll do my best for youse.
-The Matrix (duh!)
-Strictly Ballroom
-Sin City (apparently, as I've watched it every single chance I can get since it's been in heavy rotation on Starz)
-Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban (for the Shrieking Shack scene, naturally. Plus, Alfonso Cuaron & J.K. Rowling & Alan Rickman? What's not to love?)
Four TV Shows I Love to Watch:
-America's Next Top Model
-Project Runway
-Knitty Gritty
Four Places I’ve Been on Vacation:
-San Francisco, CA
-Baja Mexico
-Napa Valley, CA
Four Favorite Dishes:
-My mother's lasagna
-Pan-fried noodles
-Garlic spinach from the Great Eastern Restaurant in San Francisco (and anything else from there)
-My TNT cookies
Four Websites I Visit Daily:
Go Fug Yourself
Arts & Letters Daily
Four Places I’d Rather Be:
-At home by myself on a rainy, chilly day with a huge pile of great books to be read and beautiful yarn to be knitted and/or crocheted
-With my mother, sisters, cousins and aunts
-On a cruise like the one Bette Davis takes in Now, Voyager and with her fabulous wardrobe
-On a tropical island with clear turquoise waters, white sandy beaches and excellent bar service
Four Bloggers I am Tagging :
Please. I don't know four bloggers that well.
OMG! Is that the point of this meme?
Monday, January 02, 2006
It rained in my apartment this morning
What a way to kick off the New Year! I had it all planned. I was up first this morning - not at all unusual. I was going to brew a delicious pot of coffee and stake out the couch, the ottoman and the living room television for myself. Before The Comedian and The Amazing Ones got a crack at 'em. As I entered the hallway I thought to myself, "Wow, it's really raining hard, it's so loud." Well, it was raining hard and loud IN MY LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM and KITCHEN.
Yuck. Now, I'm just waiting for the stinkin' to commence.
I guess we'll get that new carpet after all. And a paint job. Every cloud has a silver lining.
Merry New Year!
What a way to kick off the New Year! I had it all planned. I was up first this morning - not at all unusual. I was going to brew a delicious pot of coffee and stake out the couch, the ottoman and the living room television for myself. Before The Comedian and The Amazing Ones got a crack at 'em. As I entered the hallway I thought to myself, "Wow, it's really raining hard, it's so loud." Well, it was raining hard and loud IN MY LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM and KITCHEN.
Yuck. Now, I'm just waiting for the stinkin' to commence.
I guess we'll get that new carpet after all. And a paint job. Every cloud has a silver lining.
Merry New Year!